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Irazu Volcano National Park in Costa Rica

March 2, 2017

Irazu Volcano National Park in Costa Rica

When the volcan at Irazu Volcano National Park in Costa Rica last erupted, John F. Kennedy was President of the United States. In fact, Irazu Volcano went off the day JFK arrived here, March 19, 1963. There have been a few tremors recently, but nothing like the clouds black ash that settled on the Central Valley — and the heads of its people — that day and for the following two years

Under the Volcano.

Unlike Arenal, you can climb to the top and peer into the crater to see steam and gases rising from a lake of sulphur. The peak rises two-thirds of a mile high, and on a good day you can see both the Atlantic and Pacific from the mirador, or lookout point. Speaking of the view, the scenery grows quite rustic as you pass through fields and oak trees as you near the top.

Driving east from San Jose, you’ll find the turn off about a mile before reaching Cartago. There are local buses on the weekends, and has twice daily tours,7 days a week.. Keep in mind the high altitude and don’t overexert yourself. Bring a long sleeved shirt or a sweater.


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