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Rincon de la Vieja Volcano National Park

March 2, 2017

Rincon de la Vieja Volcano National Park

Rincon de la Vieja National Park is home to the most active geysers in Costa Rica. Volcano enthusiasts and eco-tourists will find Rincon de la Vieja National in Park Costa Rica one of the country’s most varied — and among the least visited parks. There are two volcanoes, nine craters (once active) and geysers reminiscent of Yellowstone. Also more than 30 rivers and hundreds of bird and mammal species in the dry forest as it gently transends into cloud forest.

Rincon Vieja the stones in the 123-acre “Cauldrons” are stained red and yellow from the geysers in one of Mother Nature’s most surreal settings. In another area, hot sulphur springs await the daring. Bird watchers will have a chance at spotting the elusive. Guides are available and recommended if you want to see all the sights. Especially in planning to hike to the top of a crater, which is possible here and at Volcan Poas, unlike Arenal.

The rain forest is among the richest and most biodiverse on the planet, featuring Central America’s tallest trees, whose canopy goes as high as an 60 meters. You’ll find more than 100 different tree species in a single hectare of rainforest — enough to have any ecotourist singing in the rainforest.

Guides are available for a reasonable fee, and they can show you through the cool forest leading up to the base. Several of the hotels have hot springs, and there is a public hot springs alongside the left side of the road on the way in. Check out our packages which include hotel, breakfast daily, guides as well as transportation

Rain Forest Camping.

Camping is allowed for a modest nightly fee. Outside the perimeter, a number of hotels and inns have sprung up. Also several quaint lodges and budget-priced cabins. Canopy tours and other diversions have also opened up here in the past few years, though this area remains off the beaten trail for most tourists.

For Lodging and Transportation email us at It is located about twenty kilometers north of Liberia. The gravel road is not in the best condition. Some hotels offer private transportation for guests. Whether you spend the night or take a day trip from Flamingo, Cocos, Ocotal, Tamarindo or other parts of western Guanacaste, you’ll find this one of your most memorable experiences on a tropical vacation to this part of Central America.

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